- Title: Mistakes - The Greatest Teacher
- Brand name: Unacademy
- Released on: October 11, 2021
Unacademy has rolled out its Indian Premier League (IPL) film for this year, titled ‘Mistake - The Greatest Teacher’, commemorating its second year of association with the tournament as an official sponsor. The film draws an interesting correlation between cricket and education, with an inspirational message for its young viewers. The film equates on-field misses in cricket with academic mistakes, and urges learners to embrace obstacles and learn from them.To emphasise the message of learning from mistakes, the film uses the soundtrack of ‘Remember (Walking In The Sand)’ by George Morton and gives it a quirky twist in the voices of Jaaved Jaaferi and Tiara Arpit. The song ‘Oh No’ has been chosen to deliver the message that before you say ‘Oh No’ to the mistakes, don’t forget to take a step back and embrace the learnings.