Axis Mutual Fund Promotes Risk Literacy For Informed Investor Triumphs

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Axis Mutual Fund has rolled out a campaign #SochaSamjhaRisk (thought shared risk), to understand the perils of funding and boost informed investment decisions with the help of its Risk Profiler offerings.   

Conceptualised by Mirum, the films showcase how investors can take proactive steps towards enhancing investor education.   

In the first film, a couple shopping in a supermarket stumble upon a discussion about mutual fund investment risk over the store intercom and a digital hoarding. This leads to an exploration of the Riskometer tool by Axis Mutual Fund, shedding light on how it helps investors comprehend fund risks.  

The second film features two colleagues who have just received their bonuses. One plans to shop, while the other opts to invest in mutual funds online. They discuss the risk factors associated with mutual funds, emphasising how the Riskometer empowers investors to make informed decisions.    

The third film portrays a couple embarking on a new job in a different city, highlighting the benefits of taking calculated risks and embracing discomfort. It draws parallels between career choices and investment decisions, stressing the importance of aligning investments with one’s risk appetite.    

In the fourth film, a group leaving the gym notices a digital hoarding about mutual fund risks. One member questions his friend’s trust in mutual fund investments. The film showcases the female protagonist’s reliance on Axis Bank’s Risk Profiler offering, illustrating how it supports her investment journey.

B Gopkumar, managing director and CEO, Axis Mutual Fund, said, “Most investors perceive ‘Risk’ in the negative connotation and pay little heed to comprehending the real ‘Risk-Return’ trade-off.

As responsible investment managers, we believe investors must understand how ‘risk’ influences their financial journey. Our latest initiative #SochaSamjhaRisk underscores the significance of well-thought-out investment decisions over impulsive, uninformed choices influenced by hearsay or market noise.”   

Boniface Noronha, senior vice president and head – marketing, digital and direct sales, Axis Mutual Fund, said, “Axis Mutual Fund’s #SochaSamjhaRisk is a one of its-first kind of initiatives aimed at changing the dynamics of investor education by actively encouraging people to ‘understand and decode risk’.

#SochaSamjhaRisk capitalises on the core human insight of staying away from everything seemingly ‘risky’ without truly understanding the ‘Risks’ involved. The four slice-of-life films capture everyday interactions to create a stronger resonance with the target audience.”  

Naila Patel, national creative director, Mirum India, said, “While talking about risks is always tricky in mutual fund communication, this campaign gave us the opportunity to do just that – put the spotlight on risk, loud and clear! The genesis of this idea lies in the risks we take every day, the moment we step out of the comfort and safety of our homes. The big bad world can be risky, but we take the risk of navigating that big bad world because we’ve put some thought behind a risk, we’re willing to take – a #SochaSamjhaRisk. And that’s what we’re telling those who’re averse to investing in mutual funds; sure, there’s risk, but if you know how to interpret that risk with the risk profiler and risk-o-meter, there’s a story waiting to unfold – the story of you realising your dreams.”

Source: Campaign India

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